האתר הלא רשמי לסגנון הבניה הבינלאומי בישראל
(האתר נולד כדי לתת מתנה כתובת מייל לחבר חולה באוהאוס)
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Bauhaus - Architects

dot Arieh Sharon - 1900-1980
Born in 1900 in Yuroslav, Poland. In 1920 made aliya as a member in a youth movement. Was one of the prime mover of Gan-Shmuel and worked in a hive. In 1926 went to Germany to study architecture at the school "Bauhouse" in Dasau. Graduated in 1929 and stayed in Berlin till 1931 working as an architect. Returned to Israel in 1932 and open his own firm in Tel-Aviv. Participated in many competition successfully. Built homes, workers condominiums, hospitals and schools. was one of the prime-movers of "Ha-hug". During 1941-47 served as a chief lecturer in the Technion in Haifa, the college of architecture. In 1948-53 was engaged in a national and regional designing at the Department of Designing in the primisters-minister Office and the Interior Affairs Office. (?) During 1953-54 worked for the UN as a consultant for the governments of Burma, Singapur and Indonesia. During 1950-64 worked in collaboration with Binyamin Idelson and during 1965-68 worked in collaboration with his son, Architect Eldar Sharon. In 1962 was awarded the Israel Award for his design of the hospital "Soroka" in Beer-Sheva. Died: 1980.

dot Arieh Streimer - 1897-1967
Born in 1897, in Poland. In 1920 accomplished his study in the Technical High Institution of Vienna, Austria. Made aliya in 1920 and opened his own firm in Tel-Aviv. Died: 1967

dot Carl Rubin - 1899-1955
Born in 1899 in Siniatin, East Galizia, Poland. In 1923 accomplished his study in architecture at the University of Vienna, Austria. During 1923-26 worked in as an architect in Vienna, Austria. In 1926 made aliya. During 1926-28 worked for architect Alexander Barwald, and during 1928-31 worked for architect Richard Kaufmann. During the year of 1931 stayed in Europe, and, among other things, worked for architect Erich Mendelssohn in Berlin, Germany. In 1932 returned to Israel and opened his own firm. Participated in many competitions and built many homes and public houses. Was a member in "Hahug". Died: 1955.

dot Dov Carmi - 1905-1962
Born in 1905 in Odesa, Ukraine. In 1921 made Aliya and studied art in "bezal'el" In 1925 went to Belgium and studied architecture and construction engineering in the high institution of engineering and applied art in Gent, till 1930. In 1928 he acquired some practical experience by participating in some projects given by the school in Gent. Returned to Israel 1930. During the years 1930-32 he worked with Meir Rubin in Jerusalem. In 1932 moved to Tel-Aviv and opened a new business with Zevi Barak. Also Peitelson and Meyuhas worked with them. Established a cooperative organization of architects during 1951-55. During 1955-62 he was a partner in the architects firm of Carmi-Metzner-Carmi. In 1957 he was awarded The Israel Award for designing the Building of administration and the Weiz Auditorium in the Hebrew University;, Givat Ram, Jerusalem. In that year he also got the Rokah Award for designing the Bank of Sahar Huz on Rothchild Blvd., Tel-Aviv. Died in 1962.

dot Dov Kutchinsky - 1883-1966
Born in 1883 in Krakow, Poland. In 1920 graduated from the School of Architecture in Krakow. In that year made aliya and opened a firm with his brother Ze'ev kutchinsky. Died: 1966.

dot Elisha Shimshoni - ?

dot Friedman brothers - ?

dot Genia Averbouch - 1909-1977
Born in 1909 in Russia. Made aliya in 1911. In 1926 went to study architecture in Rome, Italy, and in Brussels and Gent, Belgium. Returned to Israel in 1930 and opened her own firm. Designed houses in collaboration with Shlomo Ginsburg, and participated in many competitions. In 1934 won the competition for designing Dizengoff Circle. During 1940-45 managed the town planing Dept. in Tel-Aviv municipality. During that time, her firm was managed by architect Zalman Baruch' who became her partner in 1945. Was the first architect who designed a synagogue. Died: 1977.

dot Hayim (Monia) Sokolinsky - 1896-1961
Born in 1896 in Ukraine. Study Hebrew since childhood and was a member in Zionist youth movements. During 1912-17 studied engineering in the local Techniqum. Was supposed to make aliya with his wife on on the ship "Russelan" in 1919, but because of illness they did not board the ship and went through a lot of troubles, arrests and illness, until they managed to arrive in Israel in 1923 in some hard way. Arriving in the country, did a number of jobs as a (?), a guard and worker. During 1924-26, worked for "Sollel Bone" and moved from there to the Jewish Agency working as an engineer of construction, water and roads, for 23 years. In 1932 left the Jewish Agency and opened his own firm. Designed and executed home buildings, a movie theater, factories, a school, kinder gardens, etc. During the (?) of 1936 was one of the people establishing "Homa Umigdal". In 1937 returned to the Jewish Agency as the chief engineer and was engaged in projects dealing with water and electricity in the "Homa Umigdal" settlements and the Negev. In 1947 opened again his own firm for designing, executing and consulting in subjects dealing with water, such as urban water supply. Died: 1961.

dot Itzchak Rapoport - 1901-1989
Born in 1901 in Berditchev, Ukraine, and in 1914 made Aliya with his parents. During 1916-1918 studied in the school "Alliance" in Alexandria, and then in Gimnasia Herzlia in Tel-Aviv. During 1922-24 studied architecture in the High Technical Institution in Berlin, Germany, and during 1924-26 studied in Paris, France. After graduation, traveled for two years in different countries to accomplish his study. In 1928 returned to Israel and worked for the Mandate Regime with Architect Richard Kaufmann. In 1932 opened his own firm. Died: 1989.

dot Jacob Pinkerfeld - 1897-1956
Jacob Pinkerfeld was born in the city of Przemysl, Galicia, Poland in 1897. His father was an architect. He was brought up on the values of Polish culture, but was soon captivated by Zionist ideas and joined the Shomer Hatzair movement. In 1914 he finished high school in Lvov, and went on to study architecture at the Technical High Institution in Vienna, Austria, but was compelled to drop out when drafted to the Austrian army. Pinkerfeld joined the Shomer Hatzair pioneers who formed the first wave of immigration to Eretz-Israel, arriving in 1920. In Eretz-Israel he participated in the collective effort to reclaim the marshes in the Zichron Ya'acov area, but had to give up his dream of becoming a farmer after he had fallen ill with pneumonia and malaria. He returned to Europe to recover, and decided to continue his studies at the Vienna Technical High Institution, graduating in 1925 as an Engineer-Architect. That same year he returned to Eretz-Israel and for a short period of time worked in the Mandatory Department of Public Works, subsequently opening an independent office. As an architect, he was particularly drawn to public and rural construction. He planned numerous farmhouses, agricultural training farms, culture halls, nurseries and kindergartens, institutional and kibbutz dining rooms, etc., as well as memorials and gravestones, and even furniture when the occasion arose. He liked clean lines, simple shapes, and Mediterranean elements. Already as a student, Pinkerfeld was interested in Jewish art. He wanted to write a comprehensive book about the history of Jewish architecture. For many years he compiled material on synagogues and cemeteries in Israel and overseas. He traveled to Italy (1939), Aden (1949), and North Africa (1954) for research purposes. In 1943 he conducted an exhaustive study on synagogues in Eretz-Israel. He wrote many academic essays on the subject as well as articles directed at a wider audience. After the Establishment of the State of Israel, Pinkerfeld worked in the Department of Antiquities, and devoted much time and energy to preservation of significant sites in the country. He prepared plans for conservation and reconstruction of historical sites, such as Megido, the Monfort, the ancient synagogue of Bar-Am. He participated in numerous excavations (Hamat Gader, Korazim, Meron, Beit Shearim, etc.). In his last years he invested great efforts in preservation of historical buildings, among them Islamic sites. His dream was to establish a Research Institute for Jewish Art. Together with a group of friends he founded "Ganza", the Society for Jewish Craft, which later became the Museum of Ethnography and Folklore in Tel Aviv, and acted as its Director from 1950 until his untimely death. In 1956, during a tour in Ramat Rachel with participants of the Archaeological Convention organized by the Israel Exploration Society, he was shot and killed from gunshots fired by the Jordanian Legion.

dot Joseph Berlin - 1877-1952
Joseph Berlin Born in 1877 in Mugilov, Ukraine. Studied architecture in Odessa, graduating as an excellent student, and in 1911 accomplished his study in the Royal Academy in Petersburg. During this time he won eleven awards in open competitions. In 1921 made Aliya. Untill 1924 was the chief architect of what used to be "Solel Bone", where he met Architect Pessovsky. In 1924 they both quit "Solel Bone" and built together a new firm. In 1925 they established the Union of Engineers and Architects. The first houses built by him are characterized by their Silicate (?) bricks. During 1931-36 worked in collaboration with his son Ze'ev Berlin. Died: 1952

dot Joseph Kashdan - ?

dot Joseph Neufeld - 1898-
Born in 1898 in Monastarjiska, Galizia, Poland. Made aliya in 1920. Designed the cemetery for war killed soldiers near Beer-Sheba, for the British. During 1922-26 studied architecture in the Academy of Arts in Vienna, Austria, and later in the school of Architecture in Rome, Italy. During his study he came to Israel for short periods and worked in the firm of Architects Y. Berlin and Pesovsky. In 1925 took part in the competition for designing Allenby St. and won it. His central idea was to open the street to the beach. When graduating in Rome in 1926 he traveled in Europe, went to Berlin and worked for more than three years for Architect Erich Mendelssohn. During 1929-31 lived in Moscow as Architect Bruno Taut's assistant and designed a hotel and a hospital. Returned to Israel in 1932 and opened a new firm with Architect Israel Yeruset. At times he worked with Architects Auto Schiller and Israel Diker. Starting 1935 worked in the firm of Architect Ilia Belisman. Except for homes he also built hospitals, schools, workers' houses, and Urban condos. Built also for the Kibbutzim. Participated in many competitions and won many of them. Was a member in "Hahug". In 1940 emigrated to the US, and among other things taught at Yale. In 1949 got a contract for designing the university hospital "Hadasa", Ein-Karem, and from time to time came to Israel to supervise the construction.

dot Lucian Korngold - 1897-1972
Architect Lucian Korngold designed a number of houses in Tel-Aviv but he never signed them. In Tel-Aviv Municipal Archive, there are designs of buildings signed by Architect Abraham Markusfeld, but they are still attributed to Architect Korngold. Architect Korngold was born in 1897 in Warsaw, Poland. In 1922 he graduated in the Polytechnion Warsaw, Poland. He lived in Israel during the years 1933-35. He designed a few houses but never signed the designs. By the end of the 1930s he returned to Warsaw. Then he went to San-Paulo, Brazil, where he started a remarkable career. Died: 1972. Architect Abraham Markusfeld Born in 1904 in Lodz, Poland. Made Aliya in 1935. In 1937 he returned to Poland and built the synagogue in Lodz. Later he was lost in the Holocaust. Selected Projects (in collaboration with Krasonovsky): 1936/ 1 Hagiloboa.

dot Pinchas (Philip) Huett - 1888-1949
Born in 1888 in Levov, Galizia, Poland. His father was the painter Herman Hit Studied architecture in the Polytechnium in Chernovitz, Bokovina, and started his own business in Levov. At times he used to go to Weimar, Germany, to study the Bauhaus, because he was attracted to its principles. In 1925 he was invited by the Hebrew University in Jerusalem to visit in Israel. He fell in love with the country, returned to Levov to close his business, and made Aliya. Worked with his classmate Jacob Bratler in Haifa and Tel-Aviv. Later they separated and he opened his own business in Tel-Aviv. Designed the very first exhibit floors of the "Oriental Fair" where the old Central Station is located these days. Many young architects started their career in his firm, before opening their own firm Died: 1949.

dot Ponaroff - ?
His grandfather bought some land in Tel-Aviv in 1909 and returned to Russia. In 1919 made aliya with the ship "Rosselan". Studied in the gymnasium "Herzlia", was drafted to the Turkish army, defected, went to Egypt and joined the British army. Studied engineering at the University of Harvard in Boston, returned to Israel and worked in the Jerusalem municipality as the City Engineer. Designed the building "bet Hashemesh" in Kikar Magen David. Build his home in 12 Fierberg. First as a one store house and later added four more stores. The land his grandfather had acquired in Tel-Aviv in 1909 stood at 23 Herzl St. In 1922 built a house on that land. Built the candies factory "Elite" and fought to add a store. It cost him 20 because his partners refused to chip in. Established his office in 17 Bialik St. Built his buildings mainly in the area located in Nahmani St. "Lodzia" factory and Derech Petah-Tikva.

dot Richard Kaufmann - 1877-1958
Born in 1887 in Frankfurt, Germany. In 1907 started to study Art in the school of Arts but because of his father's pressure, who wanted him to study for a practical profession, in 1908 he started to study architecture in Amsterdam. In 1909 he moved to the Technical School in Minchn. Graduated in 1912 and worked in Minchen and Assen. In 1914 opened a firm in Frankfurt. In 1919 met Dr. Arthur Ruppin who invited him to Palestine to help him design new Jewish settlements. In 1920 made aliya and started to design the rural settlements in Israely Valley and the surrounding, such as Dgania, Kfar Yzekiel, the famous design of Nahallal in 1921, and others. he Also designed neighborhoods in Jerusalem, such as Talpiyot and Rehavia. In the city of Tel-Aviv Kaufmann was asked to design its northern parts. His design was based on determining the main north-south roads (?) and their intersections with the main streets in the east-south direction, outline which was used in Partick Gades' design in 1925, even though his ideas were not accepted. In 1927 was appointed as a member in the city designing committee of the British government. Parallel to his work in designing cities and regions he also had a private firm in Jerusalem. Built many homes all over the country, participated in competitions and in the "Oriental Fair" in the years of 1932 and 1934. Died: 1958.

dot Salomon Liaskovsky - 1903-
Born in 1903 in Wintertor, Switzerland. Studied engineering in the Techniqum of Wintertor, Switzerland. Worked in Brussels, Paris and Zurich. In 1932 made aliya and started to work as a partner in the firm of Engineer Jacob Orenstein. In 1937 emigrated to Argentine and worked there till 1979. In 1982 closed his firm.

dot Sam Barkai - ?

dot Shlomo Bernstein - 1907-1969
Born in 1907 in Vilna, Lita. In 1924 made aliya. Studied architecture in the Technion in the years 1925-28, and in 1931 went to Dassau,Germany, to continue his study in the school "Bauhaus". His professor was Architect Mis van-Der Ruhe. In 1932 graduated and went to do his internship with Architect Le Kurbuzie in Paris, France. In 1933 returned to Tel-Aviv and opened his own firm. During 1946-69 worked as an architect in Tel-Aviv Municipality. Died: 1969.

dot Shlomo Ehrlich - ?

dot Shmuel mestiechkin - 1908-
Born in 1908 in Ukraine. In 1923 made aliya. Studied architecture in the school "Bauhaus" in Dasau, Germany, during the years 1931-33. In 1934 returned to Israel and started to work in the firm of Architect Joseph Neufeld, and in 1937 started to work in his own firm. During 1941-43 was the chair of the Maps Department in the Palmah, and since 1943 was the architect of the Technical Dept. in the kibbutzim of "Hashomer Hatza'ir". In 1980 was awarded the title "The beloved architect number 1"

dot Yehuda Lulka - 1905-1980
Born in 1905 in Veniza, Ukraine. Made Aliya with his parents as a child. Started his study in Paris, France, then got a scholarship in the Technion in Haifa. Graduated from the Technion in Construction Engineering in 1930. In 1930 he established a construction firm in Tel-Aviv. Died: 1980.

dot Yehuda Magidovitch - 1886-1961
Born in 1886 in Uman, Ukraine.Studied in Odessa Academy, graduated in 1910 and worked in Odessa till his immigration to Israel in 1919. During 1920-23 served as the chief engineer of the city of Tel-Aviv. Simultaneously did some private projects which where signed by other architects, raising public criticism. Encouraged by the mayor Meir Dizengoff, who encouraged building the city as fast as possible, he authorized the building of many houses without waiting for the final authorization of the designs, and even ignored some illegal constructions. In 1923 left the city and opened his own firm. For about twenty years, Magidovitch was the architect and the constructor who built most of the buildings in Tel-Aviv. In 1934, his son Rafa'el Magidovitch joined him after graduating in engineering in England. They worked together till 1937 when his son left the firm, and he continued to work alone. Died: 1961.

dot Zaki Chelouche - 1894-1975
Born in 1894 in Jaffa. In 1907 he moved with his family to Paris, France. Went to the School of Architecture in Paris, France, and when graduating worked there as an architect. In 1927 returned to Israel. While working for his own firm from 1928 till 1934 he also served as a member in the Tel-Aviv Committee for Cities Designing. During the years 1934-35 was the deputy president of the Engineers and Architects Union. For many years served as a member in the Competition Committee of Tel-Aviv Municipality. Died: 1975.

dot Ze'ev (Wilhelm) Haller - 1882-1956
Born 1882 in Gleivitz, Germany Studied architecture in the Technical High Institution of Dramstadet, Germany. During 1914-32 worked in Leipzig on his own. In 1932 made aliya and was one the few people who opened their own firm at the very year of their immigration. In 1934 came second in the municipal competition for improving the beach in Tel-Aviv. In 1954 emigrated to Arizona, US. Died: 1956.

dot Ze'ev (Wolf) Berlin - 1906-1967
Born in 1906 in Petersburg, Russia. Studied in the Academy of Bauhouse in Brussels, Belgium. After graduating worked in Brussels as an architect. In 1931 returned to Israel and worked as a partner with his father, Joseph Berlin, till 1936. Tried to find his own style, but with a limited success. In 1936 he moved to Haifa. Because of the difficult situation in Israel during the World War, he worked at the Department of Public Projects in Jerusalem about a year and half, starting in 1940. Died: 1967.

dot Ze'ev Rechter - 19xx-1960
Born in 19? in Kovlovka, Ukraine. Studied architecture in the Technion of Nikolayev. In 1919 made aliya. Worked in the Kibbutz and the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem. In 1926 went to Rome, Italy, to study Engineering. In 1927 returned to Israel. In 1929 went to Paris, France, to accomplish his study in the National School of Bridges and Roads, graduating in 1930. Returned to Israel in 1932 and opened a firm in Tel-Aviv. Was one of the prime movers of "Hahug". After a fight of two years with Tel-Aviv municipality, Rechter was the first to design and build in Tel-Aviv a home standing on pillars (Engel House on 84 Rothchild Blvd.) In 1957 was awarded Rokah Award for designing a condominium for the IDF employees in Ma'oz Aviv. Died: 1960.

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